The P4 Compiler
No Matches
P4 Namespace Reference

TODO: this is not really specific to BMV2, it should reside somewhere else. More...


namespace  BMV2
 TODO: this is not really specific to BMV2, it should reside somewhere else.
namespace  ControlPlaneAPI
 TODO(antonin): High level goals of the generator go here!!
namespace  Coverage
namespace  DPDK
namespace  EBPF
namespace  graphs
namespace  literals
namespace  NetHash
 A collection of hashing functions commonly used in network protocols.
namespace  P4Tools
namespace  TC
 This file defines functions for the pass to generate the introspection file.


class  AbstractInliner
class  AbstractParserDriver
class  AbstractSolver
 Provides a higher-level interface for an SMT solver. More...
class  ActionCall
class  ActionInvocation
class  ActionReplacement
class  ActionsInliner
class  ActionSynthesisPolicy
class  AddMissingIdAnnotations
class  AllDefinitions
class  AllocTrace
class  AnalyzeParser
class  AnnotationSelectionPolicy
class  AnyElement
class  ApplyMethod
class  ApplyOptionsPragmas
class  ApplyTypesToExpressions
class  ArrayLocation
struct  AutoCompileContext
class  backtrace_exception
class  Backtrack
class  BaseCompileContext
class  BaseLocation
class  basic_nullbuf
class  BinaryConstraint
 Base class for EqualityConstraint and CanBeImplicitlyCastConstraint. More...
class  BindTypeVariables
class  bitranges
class  bitvec
class  BuildResourceMap
class  BuiltInMethod
class  CallGraph
struct  CallInfo
 Describes information about a caller-callee pair. More...
class  CanBeImplicitlyCastConstraint
 The right type can be implicitly cast to the left type. More...
class  CastBooleanTableKeys
class  CheckConstants
class  CheckCoreMethods
class  CheckExternInvocationCommon
 Base class which can be used to prepare classes for checking constraints for invocations of externs (both methods and pure functions) in parsers and control blocks. More...
class  CheckHeaderTypes
class  CheckNamedArgs
class  CheckTableSize
 Checks some possible misuses of the table size property. More...
class  ChooseEnumRepresentation
class  ChooseErrorRepresentation
class  ClearTypeMap
class  CloneConstants
class  CloneExpressions
class  CloneVariableDeclarations
struct  ClosedRange
struct  CompileContextStack
class  CompilerOptions
class  CompileTimeOperations
class  ComplexValues
class  ComputeDefUse
 Compute defuse info within P4Parser and P4Control blocks in the midend. More...
class  ComputeParserCG
 Builds a CallGraph of ParserState nodes. More...
class  ComputeWriteSet
class  ConstantFolding
class  ConstantFoldingPolicy
class  ConstantTypeSubstitution
class  ConstructorCall
class  ContainerConstructorCall
class  ContainsType
class  ControlFlowVisitor
class  ControlInstantiation
class  ConvertEnums
class  ConvertErrors
class  CopySrcInfo
class  CopyStructures
class  CreateBuiltins
class  CreateSpecializedTypes
class  CreateStructInitializers
 Converts some list expressions into struct initializers. More...
class  cstring
class  DeclarationLookup
class  DefaultArguments
class  DefaultP4CConfiguration
class  DefaultValues
class  Definitions
 List of definers for each base storage (at a specific program point). More...
class  Deprecated
struct  DiagnosticCountInfo
struct  DiagnosticCountInfoGuard
struct  DiagnosticCountInfoState
class  DirectMeterMap
class  DiscoverActionsInlining
class  DiscoverFunctionsInlining
class  DiscoverInlining
 Must be run after an evaluator; uses the blocks to discover caller/callee relationships. More...
class  DiscoverStructure
class  DoBindTypeVariables
class  DoCheckConstants
class  DoCheckCoreMethods
 Check types for arguments of core.p4 methods. More...
class  DoConstantFolding
 statically evaluates many constant expressions. More...
class  DoConvertEnums
class  DoConvertErrors
class  DoCopyStructures
class  DoDefaultArguments
class  DoDefaultValues
class  DoEliminateInvalidHeaders
class  DoEliminateSerEnums
class  DoEliminateSwitch
class  DoExpandEmit
class  DoExpandLookahead
class  DoFlattenHeaderUnion
class  DoFlattenHeaderUnionStack
class  DoGlobalCopyPropagation
class  DoHandleNoMatch
class  DoLocalCopyPropagation
class  DoMoveActionsToTables
class  DontcareArgs
class  DoOrderArguments
class  DoRemoveActionParameters
class  DoRemoveAssertAssume
class  DoRemoveExits
class  DoRemoveLeftSlices
class  DoRemoveMiss
class  DoRemoveParserControlFlow
 Converts if statements in parsers into transitions. More...
class  DoRemoveReturns
class  DoRemoveSelectBooleans
class  DoReplaceNewtype
class  DoReplaceSelectRange
class  DoReplaceTuples
class  DoReplaceTypedef
class  DoResetHeaders
 Explicitly invalidate uninitialized header variables. More...
class  DoSetHeaders
class  DoSimplifyControlFlow
 Replace complex control flow nodes with simpler ones where possible. More...
class  DoSimplifyDefUse
class  DoSimplifyExpressions
 Convert expressions so that each expression contains at most one side effect. More...
class  DoSimplifyKey
class  DoSimplifyParsers
 Remove unreachable parser states, and collapse simple chains of states. More...
class  DoSimplifySelectCases
class  DoSimplifySwitch
 Simplify select and switch statements that have constant arguments. More...
class  DoSingleArgumentSelect
class  DoStaticAssert
class  DoStrengthReduction
class  DoSynthesizeActions
class  DoTableHit
class  DoTableKeyNames
struct  DpdkProgramStructure
 Collect information related to P4 programs targeting dpdk. More...
class  Dump
class  DuplicateActions
class  DynamicVisitor
class  EbpfOptions
class  EliminateInvalidHeaders
class  EliminateNewtype
class  EliminateSerEnums
class  EliminateSubparserCalls
class  EliminateSwitch
class  EliminateTuples
class  EliminateTypedef
class  EntryPriorities
 Assigns priorities to table entries if they are not 'const'. More...
class  EnumInstance
class  EnumOn32Bits
class  EnumRepresentation
class  EqualityConstraint
 Requires two types to be equal. More...
class  ErrorCatalog
struct  ErrorMessage
class  ErrorReporter
class  ErrorType
class  Evaluator
class  EvaluatorPass
class  ExpandEmit
class  ExpandLookahead
class  Explain
 Creates a string that describes the values of current type variables. More...
class  ExpressionEvaluator
class  exprUses
class  ExternConstructorCall
class  ExternFunction
struct  ExternInstance
class  ExternInstantiation
class  ExternMethod
class  FillEnumMap
class  FindActionParameters
class  FindFunctionSpecializations
class  FindGlobalActionUses
class  FindHeaderTypesToReplace
class  FindParameters
 Finds parameters for actions that will be given unique names. More...
class  FindRedundantParsers
class  FindRepeatedActionUses
class  FindSpecializations
class  FindSymbols
class  FindTypesInLogMsgInvocationToReplace
class  FindTypeSpecializations
class  FindTypesToReplace
class  FindVariableValues
class  FlattenHeaders
class  FlattenHeaderUnion
class  FlattenInterfaceStructs
class  FlattenLogMsg
class  FrontEnd
class  FrontEndPolicy
class  FunctionCall
class  FunctionsInliner
struct  FunctionSpecialization
 Describes how a generic function is specialized. More...
struct  FunctionSpecializationMap
class  GeneralInliner
 Performs actual inlining work. More...
class  GlobalActionReplacements
class  GlobalCopyPropagation
struct  HalfOpenRange
class  HandleNoMatch
class  HandleValidityHeaderUnion
struct  has_dbprint
struct  has_dbprint< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().dbprint(std::declval< std::ostream & >()))> >
struct  has_ostream_operator
struct  has_ostream_operator< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< std::ostream & >()<< std::declval< T >())> >
class  HasExits
class  hash_vector_base
class  hasSideEffects
class  HasTableApply
 Checks to see whether an IR node includes a table.apply() sub-expression. More...
struct  hdrFieldInfo
class  HeaderTypeMaxLengthCalculator
class  hex
class  hexvec
class  HierarchicalNames
class  HSIndexContretizer
class  HSIndexFinder
class  HSIndexSimplifier
class  HSIndexTransform
 This class substitutes index of a header stack in all occurences of found header stack. More...
class  hvec_map
class  hvec_set
class  ICastable
class  ICompileContext
class  IfInParser
 Detect whether the program contains an 'if' statement in a parser. More...
class  IHasBlock
class  IHasDbPrint
class  indent_t
class  IndexedLocation
 Interface for locations that support an index operation. More...
class  Inline
class  InlineActions
class  InlineControlFlow
class  InlineDriver
class  InlineFunctions
class  InlineList
class  InlinePass
 Performs one round of inlining bottoms-up. More...
struct  InlineSummary
 Summarizes all inline operations to be performed. More...
class  InspectDpdkProgram
class  Inspector
class  InspectPortableProgram
class  InspectPsaProgram
class  InstanceBase
class  InstantiateDirectCalls
class  Instantiation
 Used to resolve a Declaration_Instance. More...
class  IOptionPragmaParser
class  IsLikeLeftValue
class  IsMask
class  IsNonConstantArrayIndex
class  IsValid
class  IterKeys
class  IterValues
class  JsonBoolean
class  JsonData
class  JSONGenerator
class  JSONLoader
class  JsonNull
class  JsonNumber
class  JsonObject
class  JsonString
class  JsonVector
class  KeyIsSimple
class  KeyNameGenerator
class  KeySideEffect
struct  loc_t
class  LocalCopyPropagation
class  LocalizeActions
class  LocalizeAllActions
struct  LocationPath
class  LocationSet
struct  LogAbbrev
class  LTBitMatrix
class  MapForKey
struct  match_t
class  MethodInstance
class  MidEndLast
class  MinimalNameGenerator
class  MissingIdAssigner
class  Modifier
class  MoveActionsToTables
class  MoveConstructors
class  MoveDeclarations
class  MoveInitializers
class  n4
class  NameGateways
class  NameGenerator
struct  NestedStructMap
class  NestedStructs
class  OnBacktrack
class  onullstream
class  OrderArguments
class  ordered_map
class  ordered_set
class  OrPolicy
class  P4CConfiguration
class  P4CContext
class  P4CContextWithOptions
class  P4COptionPragmaParser
class  P4CoreLibrary
class  P4Exception_Model
class  P4ParserDriver
 A ParserDriver that can parse P4-16 programs. More...
struct  P4RuntimeAPI
class  P4RuntimeSerializer
 Public APIs to generate P4Info message. Uses the singleton pattern. More...
class  P4WriteContext
class  PackageInstantiation
class  PacketIn
class  PacketOut
class  ParameterSubstitution
class  ParseAnnotationBodies
 Clears a type map after calling a ParseAnnotations instance. More...
class  ParseAnnotations
class  ParseDpdkArchitecture
class  ParsePortableArchitecture
class  ParsePsaArchitecture
struct  ParserErrorMessage
class  ParserInfo
 Information produced for a parser by the symbolic evaluator. More...
class  ParserInstantiation
class  ParserOptions
class  ParserRewriter
struct  ParserStateInfo
 Information produced for a parser state by the symbolic evaluator. More...
class  ParserStructure
 Information about a parser in the input program. More...
class  ParsersUnroll
class  PassIf
class  PassManager
class  PassRepeated
class  PassRepeatUntil
class  Pattern
class  PauseTrace
struct  PerInstanceSubstitutions
class  PortableProgramStructure
class  Predication
struct  primitive_info_t
class  ProgramMap
class  ProgramPoint
 Indicates a statement in the program. More...
class  ProgramPoints
class  ProgramStructure
class  PsaProgramStructure
struct  PushContext
class  RangeIter
class  ReadsWrites
 Computes the SetOfLocations read and written by an expression. More...
class  Reassociation
class  ReferenceMap
 Class used to encode maps from paths to declarations. More...
class  RemoveActionParameters
class  RemoveAliases
class  RemoveAllUnusedDeclarations
 Iterates RemoveUnusedDeclarations until convergence. More...
class  RemoveAssertAssume
class  RemoveBreakContinue
class  RemoveComplexComparisons
class  RemoveComplexExpressions
class  RemoveComplexExpressionsPolicy
class  RemoveDontcareArgs
class  RemoveExits
class  RemoveGenericTypes
 Removes all structs or stacks that are generic. More...
class  RemoveHidden
class  RemoveLeftSlices
class  RemoveMiss
class  RemoveModifiedValues
class  RemoveNestedStructs
class  RemoveParserControlFlow
class  RemoveParserIfs
class  RemoveRedundantParsers
class  RemoveReturns
class  RemoveSelectBooleans
class  RemoveUnusedActionParameters
class  RemoveUnusedDeclarations
 Removes unused declarations. More...
class  RemoveUnusedHUDeclarations
class  RemoveUnusedPolicy
class  RemoveUselessCasts
class  RenameMap
class  RenameSymbols
class  ReplaceHeaders
class  ReplaceIndexRefs
class  ReplaceLogMsg
class  ReplacementMap
class  ReplaceSelectRange
class  ReplaceStructs
class  ReplaceTypeUses
class  ResetHeaders
 Invokes TypeChecking followed by DoResetHeaders. More...
class  ResolutionContext
 Visitor mixin for looking up names in enclosing scopes from the Visitor::Context. More...
class  ResolveReferences
class  RewriteAllParsers
class  safe_vector
class  SameExpression
class  SaturationElim
 Contains utility functions for eliminating saturating arithmetic. More...
class  ScalarValue
class  SerEnumInstance
class  SetHeaders
class  SetOfLocations
class  SideEffectOrdering
class  SideEffects
 Determines whether an expression may have method or constructor invocations. More...
class  SimpleCallInfo
class  SimpleEnumInstance
 An instance of a simple enum, e.g., X.A from enum X { A, B }. More...
class  SimpleInlineList
class  SimpleInlineWorkList
class  SimplifyBitwise
class  SimplifyComparisons
class  SimplifyControlFlow
class  SimplifyDefUse
class  SimplifyKey
class  SimplifyParsers
class  SimplifySelectCases
class  SimplifySelectList
class  SimplifySwitch
class  SingleArgumentSelect
struct  SpecializationInfo
 Describes how a parser or control is specialized. More...
class  SpecializationMap
 Maintains a map from invocation to a SpecializationInfo object. More...
class  Specialize
 Specializes each Parser and Control with constant constructor arguments by substituting type arguments and constructor parameters. More...
class  SpecializeAll
 Specializes each Parser and Control by substituting type arguments and constructor parameters. More...
class  SpecializeFunctions
 Specializes each generic function by substituting type parameters. More...
class  SpecializeGenericFunctions
class  SpecializeGenericTypes
 Specializes each generic type by substituting type parameters. More...
class  SplitFlowVisit
class  SplitFlowVisit_base
class  SplitFlowVisitVector
class  StackVariable
class  StackVariableHash
 Class with hash function for StackVariable. More...
class  StaticAssert
class  StorageFactory
class  StorageLocation
 Abstraction for something that is has a left value (variable, parameter) More...
class  StorageMap
 Maps a declaration to its associated storage. More...
class  StrengthReduction
class  string_map
struct  StringRef
class  StructInitializers
class  StructLocation
struct  StructTypeReplacement
class  SubstituteParameters
class  SubstituteStructures
class  SwitchAddDefault
class  SymBitMatrix
class  SymbolicArray
class  SymbolicBool
class  SymbolicEnum
class  SymbolicError
class  SymbolicException
class  SymbolicExtern
class  SymbolicHeader
class  SymbolicHeaderUnion
class  SymbolicInteger
class  SymbolicPacketIn
class  SymbolicStaticError
class  SymbolicStruct
class  SymbolicTuple
class  SymbolicValue
class  SymbolicValueFactory
class  SymbolicVarbit
class  SymbolicVoid
class  SymRenameMap
class  SynthesizeActions
class  TableApplySolver
class  TableHit
class  TableInsertions
class  TableKeyNames
class  TablesInActions
class  TablesInKeys
class  TagGlobalActions
class  ToP4
class  Transform
class  TupleLocation
class  TypeCheck
class  TypeChecking
class  TypeConstraint
class  TypeConstraints
class  TypeInference
class  TypeMap
class  TypeOccursVisitor
struct  TypeSpecialization
struct  TypeSpecializationMap
class  TypeSubstitution
class  TypeSubstitutionVisitor
class  TypeUnification
class  TypeVariableSubstitution
class  TypeVariableSubstitutionVisitor
class  UniqueNames
class  UniqueParameters
class  UnnestSelectList
struct  UnparsedConstant
class  UnrollLoops
class  UselessCasts
class  ValidateMatchAnnotations
class  ValidateParsedProgram
class  ValidateTableProperties
class  ValidateValueSets
class  ValueMap
struct  VisitedKey
 The main class for parsers' states key for visited checking. More...
class  VisitFunctor
class  Visitor
struct  Visitor_Context
class  WithFieldsLocation
 Base class for location sets that contain fields. More...


using ActionCallInfo = SimpleCallInfo<IR::P4Action, IR::MethodCallStatement>
using ActionsInlineList = SimpleInlineList<IR::P4Action, ActionCallInfo, AInlineWorkList>
using AInlineWorkList = SimpleInlineWorkList<ActionCallInfo>
using big_int = boost::multiprecision::cpp_int
using Constraint = IR::Expression
 Represents a constraint that can be shipped to and asserted within a solver.
typedef std::function< void(const char *manager, unsigned seqNo, const char *pass, const IR::Node *node)> DebugHook
using EbpfContext = P4CContextWithOptions<EbpfOptions>
using FunctionCallInfo = SimpleCallInfo<IR::Node, IR::Statement>
using FunctionsInlineList = SimpleInlineList<IR::Node, FunctionCallInfo, FunctionsInlineWorkList>
using FunctionsInlineWorkList = SimpleInlineWorkList<FunctionCallInfo>
using GeneratedVariablesMap = std::map<cstring, const IR::PathExpression *>
typedef InlineDriver< ActionsInlineList, AInlineWorkListInlineActionsDriver
typedef InlineDriver< FunctionsInlineList, FunctionsInlineWorkListInlineFunctionsDriver
using le_bitinterval = HalfOpenRange<RangeUnit::Bit, Endian::Little>
using le_bitrange = ClosedRange<RangeUnit::Bit, Endian::Little>
using le_byteinterval = HalfOpenRange<RangeUnit::Byte, Endian::Little>
using le_byterange = ClosedRange<RangeUnit::Byte, Endian::Little>
using MessageType = ErrorMessage::MessageType
typedef onullstream< char > nullstream
using nw_bitinterval = HalfOpenRange<RangeUnit::Bit, Endian::Network>
 Convenience typedefs for half-open ranges in bits.
using nw_bitrange = ClosedRange<RangeUnit::Bit, Endian::Network>
 Convenience typedefs for closed ranges in bits.
using nw_byteinterval = HalfOpenRange<RangeUnit::Byte, Endian::Network>
 Convenience typedefs for half-open ranges in bytes.
using nw_byterange = ClosedRange<RangeUnit::Byte, Endian::Network>
 Convenience typedefs for closed ranges in bytes.
typedef CallGraph< const IR::ParserState * > ParserCallGraph
using ResourceMap = ordered_map<const IR::Node *, const IR::CompileTimeValue *>
typedef std::unordered_map< StackVariable, const IR::Expression *, StackVariableHashStackVariableIndexMap
typedef std::unordered_map< StackVariable, size_t, StackVariableHashStackVariableMap
typedef CallGraph< const IR::ParserState * > StateCallGraph
using SymbolicMapping
 This type maps symbolic variables to their value assigned by the solver.
using TypeLogMsgParams = std::pair<IR::IndexedVector<IR::NamedExpression>, std::string>


enum  block_t { PARSER , PIPELINE , DEPARSER }
enum class  DiagnosticAction { Ignore , Info , Warn , Error }
 An action to take when a diagnostic message is triggered. More...
enum class  Endian : uint8_t { Network = 0 , Little = 1 }
 An ordering for bits or bytes. More...
enum  gress_t { INGRESS , EGRESS }
enum  InternalTableType { REGULAR_EXACT , LEARNER , WILDCARD }
enum class  P4RuntimeFormat { BINARY , JSON , TEXT , TEXT_PROTOBUF }
 P4Runtime serialization formats.
enum class  RangeUnit : uint8_t { Bit = 0 , Byte = 1 }
 Units in which a range can be specified.
enum class  ResolutionType { Any , Type , TypeVariable }
 Helper class to indicate types of nodes that may be returned during resolution.
enum class  StandardExceptions {
  NoError , PacketTooShort , NoMatch , StackOutOfBounds ,
  HeaderTooShort , ParserTimeout
enum class  TernaryBool { Yes , No , Maybe }
enum class  VisitStatus : unsigned { New , Revisit , Busy , Done }


void add_comment (std::ostream &out, cstring str, std::string_view sep="")
void add_space (std::ostream &out, int size)
const char * addr2line (void *addr, const char *text)
void backtrace_fill_stacktrace (std::string &msg, void *const *backtrace, int size)
template<class Iter>
Iter begin (std::pair< Iter, Iter > pr)
template<class... Args>
std::string bug_helper (boost::format &f, std::string_view position, std::string_view tail, Args &&...args)
cstring cgMakeString (char c)
cstring cgMakeString (const IR::INode *node)
cstring cgMakeString (const IR::Node *node)
cstring cgMakeString (cstring s)
void checkParametersForMap (const IR::ParameterList *params, std::map< cstring, const IR::Expression * > *vars)
void compareValuesInMaps (std::map< cstring, const IR::Expression * > *oldValues, std::map< cstring, const IR::Expression * > *newValues)
template<class C, class T>
bool contains (C &c, const T &val)
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto contains (const ordered_set< T, C1, A1 > &a, const U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), true)
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto contains (std::set< T, C1, A1 > &a, U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), true)
template<class C, class Pred>
bool contains_if (C &c, Pred pred)
const IR::Expression * convert (const IR::Expression *expression, const IR::Type *type)
void dbprint (const IHasDbPrint *o)
void dbprint (const IR::Node &n)
void dbprint (const IR::Node *n)
void dbprint (const std::set< const IR::Expression * > s)
template<typename... Args>
void diagnose (DiagnosticAction defaultAction, const char *diagnosticName, const char *format, const char *suffix, Args &&...args)
unsigned diagnosticCount ()
void dump (const big_int &i)
void dump (const big_int *i)
void dump (const ControlFlowVisitor::flow_join_info_t &info)
void dump (const ControlFlowVisitor::flow_join_info_t *info)
void dump (const ControlFlowVisitor::flow_join_points_t &fjp)
void dump (const ControlFlowVisitor::flow_join_points_t *fjp)
void dump (const hvec_set< const P4::ComputeDefUse::loc_t * > &p)
void dump (const IR::INode *n)
void dump (const IR::INode *n, unsigned maxdepth)
void dump (const IR::Node *n)
void dump (const IR::Node *n, unsigned maxdepth)
void dump (const match_t &m)
void dump (const match_t *m)
void dump (const P4::AllDefinitions *d)
void dump (const P4::ComputeDefUse &du)
void dump (const P4::ComputeDefUse *du)
void dump (const P4::ComputeDefUse::loc_t &p)
void dump (const P4::Definitions *d)
void dump (const P4::LocationSet *s)
void dump (const P4::ProgramPoint &p)
void dump (const P4::ProgramPoint *p)
void dump (const P4::ProgramPoints &p)
void dump (const P4::ProgramPoints *p)
void dump (const P4::StorageLocation *s)
void dump (const P4::StorageMap *s)
void dump (const SplitFlowVisit_base *split)
void dump (const Visitor::Context *ctxt)
void dump (P4::TypeVariableSubstitution &tvs)
void dump (P4::TypeVariableSubstitution *tvs)
void dump (std::ostream &out, const IR::Node *n)
void dump (std::ostream &out, const IR::Node *n, unsigned maxdepth)
void dump (std::ostream &out, const Visitor::Context *ctxt)
void dump (uintptr_t p)
void dump (uintptr_t p, unsigned maxdepth)
void dump_notype (const IR::INode *n)
void dump_notype (const IR::INode *n, unsigned maxdepth)
void dump_notype (const IR::Node *n)
void dump_notype (const IR::Node *n, unsigned maxdepth)
void dump_notype (uintptr_t p)
void dump_notype (uintptr_t p, unsigned maxdepth)
void dump_src (const IR::INode *n)
void dump_src (const IR::INode *n, unsigned maxdepth)
void dump_src (const IR::Node *n)
void dump_src (const IR::Node *n, unsigned maxdepth)
void dumpP4 (const IR::INode *node)
std::string dumpToString (const IR::Node *n)
template<class Iter>
Iter end (std::pair< Iter, Iter > pr)
template<class C, class Pred>
void erase_if (C &c, Pred pred)
template<typename... Args>
void error (const char *format, Args &&...args)
 Report an error with the given message.
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T> && !std::is_pointer_v<T>>, class... Args>
void error (const char *format, const T &node, Args &&...args)
 The const ref variant of the above.
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T>>, class... Args>
void error (const char *format, const T *node, Args &&...args)
template<typename... Args>
void error (const int kind, const char *format, Args &&...args)
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T> && !std::is_pointer_v<T>>, class... Args>
void error (const int kind, const char *format, const T &node, Args &&...args)
 The const ref variant of the above.
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T>>, class... Args>
void error (const int kind, const char *format, const T *node, Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
ErrorMessage error_helper (boost::format &f, Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
ErrorMessage error_helper (boost::format &f, const std::string &prefix, const Util::SourceInfo &info, const std::string &suffix, Args &&...args)
template<class... Args>
ErrorMessage error_helper (boost::format &f, ErrorMessage msg, Args &&...args)
unsigned errorCount ()
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T>>, class... Args>
void errorWithSuffix (const int kind, const char *format, const char *suffix, const T *node, Args &&...args)
 This is similar to the above method, but also has a suffix.
const char * exename (const char *argv0)
template<class C, class T>
C::iterator find (C &c, const T &val)
template<class Iter, class Fn>
Fn for_each (std::pair< Iter, Iter > range, Fn fn)
template<typename NodeType, typename Func>
void forAllMatching (const IR::Node *root, Func &&function)
template<class Cont>
std::ostream & format_container (std::ostream &out, const Cont &container, char lbrace, char rbrace)
P4RuntimeAPI generateP4Runtime (const IR::P4Program *program, cstring arch)
template<class K, class T, class V, class Comp, class Alloc>
get (const hvec_map< K, V, Comp, Alloc > &m, T key, V def=V())
template<class K, class T, class V, class Comp, class Alloc>
get (const hvec_map< K, V, Comp, Alloc > *m, T key, V def=V())
template<typename Map, typename Key>
Map::mapped_type get (const Map &m, const Key &key)
template<class Map, typename Key, typename Value>
Map::mapped_type get (const Map &m, const Key &key, Value &&def)
template<typename Map, typename Key>
Map::mapped_type get (const Map *m, const Key &key)
template<class Map, typename Key, typename Value>
Map::mapped_type get (const Map *m, const Key &key, Value &&def)
template<class Map, typename Key>
std::optional< typename Map::mapped_type > get_optional (const Map &m, const Key &key)
const IR::Expression * getConstant (const ScalarValue *constant)
DebugHook getDiagnosticCountInPassHook (BaseCompileContext &ctxt=BaseCompileContext::get())
 This creates a debug hook that prints information about the number of diagnostics of different levels (error, warning, info) printed by each of the pass after it ended. This is intended to help in debuggig and testing.
std::string getIndent (int l)
template<class K, class T, class V, class Comp, class Alloc>
const V * getref (const hvec_map< K, V, Comp, Alloc > &m, T key)
template<class K, class T, class V, class Comp, class Alloc>
const V * getref (const hvec_map< K, V, Comp, Alloc > *m, T key)
template<typename Map, typename Key>
const Map::mapped_type * getref (const Map &m, const Key &key)
template<typename Map, typename Key>
const Map::mapped_type * getref (const Map *m, const Key &key)
template<class K, class T, class V, class Comp, class Alloc>
V * getref (hvec_map< K, V, Comp, Alloc > &m, T key)
template<class K, class T, class V, class Comp, class Alloc>
V * getref (hvec_map< K, V, Comp, Alloc > *m, T key)
template<typename Map, typename Key>
Map::mapped_type * getref (Map &m, const Key &key)
template<typename Map, typename Key>
Map::mapped_type * getref (Map *m, const Key &key)
bool hasVarbitsOrUnions (const TypeMap *typeMap, const IR::Type *type)
 True if the type contains any varbit or header_union subtypes.
template<typename... Args>
void info (const int kind, const char *format, Args &&...args)
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T> && !std::is_pointer_v<T>>, class... Args>
void info (const int kind, const char *format, const T &node, Args &&...args)
 The const ref variant of the above.
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T>>, class... Args>
void info (const int kind, const char *format, const T *node, Args &&...args)
 Report info messages of type kind. Requires that the node argument have source info.
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto intersects (const ordered_set< T, C1, A1 > &a, const U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), true)
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto intersects (std::set< T, C1, A1 > &a, U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), true)
bool isAsync (const IR::Vector< IR::Method > methods, cstring callee, cstring caller)
bool isTerminalState (IR::ID id)
template<class Map>
IterKeys< typename Map::const_iterator > Keys (const Map &m)
template<class Map>
IterKeys< typename Map::iterator > Keys (Map &m)
template<class PairIter>
IterKeys< PairIter > Keys (std::pair< PairIter, PairIter > range)
template<class C>
C::const_iterator max_element (const C &c)
template<class C, class Compare>
C::const_iterator max_element (const C &c, Compare comp)
template<class C>
C::const_iterator min_element (const C &c)
template<class C, class Compare>
C::const_iterator min_element (const C &c, Compare comp)
template<typename NodeType, typename RootType, typename Func>
const RootType * modifyAllMatching (const RootType *root, Func &&function)
bool names_overlap (cstring name1, cstring name2)
 Test to see if names denote overlapping locations.
std::ostream * openFile (const std::filesystem::path &name, bool nullOnError)
bool operator!= (const char *a, cstring b)
bool operator!= (const std::string &a, cstring b)
Pattern operator!= (int v, const Pattern &a)
template<class T>
auto operator!= (T a, const StringRef &b) -> decltype(b.operator!=(a))
Pattern operator% (int v, const Pattern &a)
bitvec operator& (bitvec &&a, const bitvec &b)
Pattern operator& (int v, const Pattern &a)
Pattern operator&& (int v, const Pattern &a)
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto operator&= (ordered_set< T, C1, A1 > &a, const U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), a)
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto operator&= (std::set< T, C1, A1 > &a, U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), a)
Pattern operator* (int v, const Pattern &a)
std::string operator+ (char a, cstring b)
std::string operator+ (const char *a, cstring b)
std::string operator+ (const char *s, const StringRef &a)
std::string operator+ (const std::string &s, const StringRef &a)
std::string operator+ (const StringRef &s, const char *a)
std::string operator+ (const StringRef &s, const std::string &a)
std::string operator+ (const StringRef &s, const StringRef &a)
std::string operator+ (const StringRef &s, cstring a)
std::string operator+ (cstring a, char b)
std::string operator+ (cstring a, const char *b)
std::string operator+ (cstring a, const std::string &b)
std::string operator+ (cstring a, cstring b)
std::string operator+ (cstring s, const StringRef &a)
Pattern operator+ (int v, const Pattern &a)
std::string operator+ (std::string a, cstring b)
std::string & operator+= (std::string &a, cstring b)
std::string & operator+= (std::string &s, const StringRef &a)
bitvec operator- (bitvec &&a, const bitvec &b)
template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
std::pair< HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order >, HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > > operator- (ClosedRange< Unit, Order > left, ClosedRange< Unit, Order > right)
template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
std::pair< HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order >, HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > > operator- (HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > left, HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > right)
Pattern operator- (int v, const Pattern &a)
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto operator-= (ordered_set< T, C1, A1 > &a, const U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), a)
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto operator-= (std::set< T, C1, A1 > &a, U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), a)
Pattern operator/ (int v, const Pattern &a)
Pattern operator< (int v, const Pattern &a)
template<class T>
auto operator< (T a, const StringRef &b) -> decltype(b.operator>(a))
Pattern operator<< (int v, const Pattern &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const bitvec &bv)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const hex &h)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const hexvec &h)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const StringRef &a)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, indent_t i)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, n4 v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const AllocTrace &at)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Backtrack::trigger &trigger)
template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ClosedRange< Unit, Order > &range)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ComputeDefUse::defuse_t &du)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ComputeDefUse::loc_t &loc)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ControlFlowVisitor::flow_join_info_t &info)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ControlFlowVisitor::flow_join_points_t &fjp)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Dump &d)
template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > &range)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const hvec_set< const ComputeDefUse::loc_t * > &s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IHasDbPrint &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IHasDbPrint *obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IR::Vector< IR::Expression > &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IR::Vector< IR::Expression > *v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LTBitMatrix &bm)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const match_t &m)
template<class T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RangeIter< T > &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SplitFlowVisit_base &split)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::pair< const IR::Node *, const hvec_set< const ComputeDefUse::loc_t * > > &p)
template<class T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::set< T > &set)
template<class T>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< T > &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UnparsedConstant &constant)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, cstring s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, JsonData *json)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, P4::StandardExceptions e)
Pattern operator<= (int v, const Pattern &a)
template<class T>
auto operator<= (T a, const StringRef &b) -> decltype(b.operator>=(a))
bool operator== (const char *a, cstring b)
bool operator== (const std::string &a, cstring b)
Pattern operator== (int v, const Pattern &a)
template<class T>
auto operator== (T a, const StringRef &b) -> decltype(b.operator==(a))
Pattern operator> (int v, const Pattern &a)
template<class T>
auto operator> (T a, const StringRef &b) -> decltype(b.operator<(a))
Pattern operator>= (int v, const Pattern &a)
template<class T>
auto operator>= (T a, const StringRef &b) -> decltype(b.operator<=(a))
bool operator>> (const char *p, LTBitMatrix &bm)
bool operator>> (const char *p, match_t &m)
bool operator>> (const char *s, bitvec &bv)
Pattern operator>> (int v, const Pattern &a)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, JsonData *&json)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, bitvec &bv)
bitvec operator^ (bitvec &&a, const bitvec &b)
Pattern operator^ (int v, const Pattern &a)
bitvec operator| (bitvec &&a, const bitvec &b)
Pattern operator| (int v, const Pattern &a)
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto operator|= (ordered_set< T, C1, A1 > &a, const U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), a)
template<class T, class C1, class A1, class U>
auto operator|= (std::set< T, C1, A1 > &a, U &b) -> decltype(b.begin(), a)
Pattern operator|| (int v, const Pattern &a)
const IR::Expression * optimizeExpression (const IR::Expression *node)
IR::Constant * parseConstant (const Util::SourceInfo &srcInfo, const UnparsedConstant &constant, long defaultValue)
int parseConstantChecked (const Util::SourceInfo &srcInfo, const UnparsedConstant &constant)
template<typename C = P4V1::Converter>
const IR::P4Program * parseP4File (const ParserOptions &options)
const IR::P4Program * parseP4String (const char *sourceFile, unsigned sourceLine, const std::string &input, CompilerOptions::FrontendVersion version)
const IR::P4Program * parseP4String (const std::string &input, CompilerOptions::FrontendVersion version)
template<class C, class Pred>
void remove_if (C &c, Pred pred)
void removeVarsContaining (std::map< cstring, const IR::Expression * > *vars, cstring name)
void serializeP4RuntimeIfRequired (const IR::P4Program *program, const CompilerOptions &options)
void setup_signals ()
template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
std::optional< ClosedRange< Unit, Order > > toClosedRange (HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > halfOpenRange)
template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > toHalfOpenRange (ClosedRange< Unit, Order > closedRange)
std::string toP4 (const IR::INode *node)
std::ostream & toStream (std::ostream &out, RangeUnit unit, Endian order, int lo, int hi, bool closed)
cstring toString (const TernaryBool &c)
template<typename NodeType, typename Func>
const IR::NodetransformAllMatching (const IR::Node *root, Func &&function)
template<typename... Args>
void typeError (const char *format, Args &&...args)
UnparsedConstant unparsedConstant (const IR::AnnotationToken *token)
template<class Map>
IterValues< typename Map::const_iterator > Values (const Map &m)
template<class Map>
IterValues< typename Map::iterator > Values (Map &m)
template<class PairIter>
IterValues< PairIter > Values (std::pair< PairIter, PairIter > range)
template<class M>
MapForKey< M > ValuesForKey (M &m, typename M::key_type k)
template<typename... Args>
void warning (const char *format, Args &&...args)
 Report a warning with the given message.
template<typename... Args>
void warning (const int kind, const char *format, Args &&...args)
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T> && !std::is_pointer_v<T>>, class... Args>
void warning (const int kind, const char *format, const T &node, Args &&...args)
 The const ref variant of the above.
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T>>, class... Args>
void warning (const int kind, const char *format, const T *node, Args &&...args)
 Report warnings of type kind. Requires that the node argument have source info.


const unsigned action_handle_prefix = 0x00020000
const cstring bfrtSchemaVersion = cstring::literal("1.0.0")
 JSON schema versions.
const unsigned default_learner_table_size = 0x10000
const unsigned default_learner_table_timeout [dpdk_learner_max_configurable_timeout_values]
 Default timeout values for learner table to support common protocol states.
const char * DIAGNOSTIC_COUNT_IN_PASS_TAG = "diagnosticCountInPass"
auto & directMeterCounterSizeMap = DPDK::CollectDirectCounterMeter::directMeterCounterSizeMap
const unsigned dpdk_default_table_size = 65536
 Default values.
const unsigned dpdk_learner_max_configurable_timeout_values = 8
 Maximum number of configurable timeout values.
const int dpdk_max_operand_size = 64
 Maximum operand size for unary, binary and ternary operations.
template<class T>
constexpr bool has_dbprint_v = has_dbprint<T>::value
template<class T>
constexpr bool has_ostream_operator_v = has_ostream_operator<T>::value
const unsigned initial_group_id = 0xFFFFFFFF
const unsigned initial_member_id = 0
 Initial values for group_id and member_id for action selector and action profile tables.
auto & origNameMap = DPDK::ShortenTokenLength::origNameMap
const char outOfBoundsStateName [] = "stateOutOfBound"
 Name of out of bound state.
const char * p4_14includePath = CONFIG_PKGDATADIR "/p4_14include"
const char * p4includePath = CONFIG_PKGDATADIR "/p4include"
const std::set< cstringreservedWords
const unsigned table_handle_prefix = 0x00010000
 Unique handle for action and table.
const cstring tdiSchemaVersion = cstring::literal("0.1")

Detailed Description

TODO: this is not really specific to BMV2, it should reside somewhere else.

This file has common data structures used for inlining functions and actions. Inlining these is simpler than inlining controls and parsers

A cstring is a reference to a zero-terminated, immutable, interned string. The cstring object itself is not immutable; you can reassign it as required, and it provides a mutable interface that copies the underlying immutable string as needed.

Compared to std::string, these are the benefits that cstring provides:

  • Copying and assignment are cheap. Since cstring only deals with immutable strings, these operations only involve pointer assignment.
  • Comparing cstrings for equality is cheap; interning makes it possible to test for equality using a simple pointer comparison.
  • The immutability of the underlying strings means that it's always safe to change a cstring, even if there are other references to it elsewhere.
  • The API offers a number of handy helper methods that aren't available on std::string.

On the other hand, these are the disadvantages of using cstring:

  • Because cstring deals with immutable strings, any modification requires that the complete string be copied.
  • Interning has an initial cost: converting a const char*, a std::string, or a std::stringstream to a cstring requires copying it. Currently, this happens every time you perform the conversion, whether the string is already interned or not, unless the source is an std::string.
  • Interned strings can never be freed, so they'll stick around for the lifetime of the program.
  • The string interning cstring performs is currently not threadsafe, so you can't safely use cstrings off the main thread.

Given these tradeoffs, the general rule of thumb to follow is that you should try to convert strings to cstrings early and keep them in that form. That way, you benefit from cheaper copying, assignment, and equality testing in as many places as possible, and you avoid paying the cost of repeated conversion.

However, when you're building or mutating a string, you should use std::string. Convert to a cstring only when the string is in its final form. This ensures that you don't pay the time and space cost of interning every intermediate version of the string.

Note that cstring has implicit conversions to and from other string types. This is convenient, but in performance-sensitive code it's good to be aware that mixing the two types of strings can trigger a lot of implicit copies.

Shouldn't happen as cmake will not try to build this backend if the boost graph headers couldn't be found.

Class Documentation

◆ P4::PauseTrace

class P4::PauseTrace

◆ P4::primitive_info_t

struct P4::primitive_info_t
Class Members
unsigned max_operands
unsigned min_operands
unsigned out_operands
unsigned type_match_operands

◆ P4::TableInsertions

class P4::TableInsertions
Class Members
vector< const Declaration_Variable * > declarations
vector< const AssignmentStatement * > statements

◆ P4::UnparsedConstant

struct P4::UnparsedConstant

An unparsed numeric constant. We produce these as token values during lexing. The parser is responsible for actually interpreting the raw text as a numeric value and transforming it into an IR::Constant using parseConstant().

To illustrate how a numeric constant is represented using this struct, here is a breakdown of '16w0x12':

    /                                    ___
    |                                   /
    |   bitwidth (if @hasWidth)        |       16
    |                                   \___
    |                                    ___
    |                                   /
    |   separator (if @hasWidth)       |       w
    |                                   \___

@text | | ___ | / | ignored prefix of length

| ___ | | ___ | / | numeric value in base @base | w | ___ ___

Simple numeric constants like '5' are specified by setting @hasWidth to false and providing a

Class Members
unsigned base An ignored prefix of the numeric constant (e.g. '0x').
bool hasWidth The base in which the constant is expressed.
unsigned skip Raw P4 text which was recognized as a numeric constant.
cstring text

Typedef Documentation

◆ DebugHook

typedef std::function<void(const char *manager, unsigned seqNo, const char *pass, const IR::Node *node)> P4::DebugHook

A hook called by pass manager after a pass finishes.

nodea result of the last pass, which can be the (transformed) node, or a nullptr.

◆ SymbolicMapping

Initial value:
absl::btree_map<const IR::SymbolicVariable *, const IR::Expression *, IR::SymbolicVariableLess>

This type maps symbolic variables to their value assigned by the solver.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DiagnosticAction

enum class P4::DiagnosticAction

An action to take when a diagnostic message is triggered.


Take no action and continue compilation.


Print an info message and continue compilation.


Print a warning and continue compilation.

Print an error and signal that compilation should be aborted.

◆ Endian

enum class P4::Endian : uint8_t

An ordering for bits or bytes.


Most significant bit/byte first.

◆ InternalTableType

DPDK target implementation treats tables with keys lying non-contiguous in underlying structure as wildcard even if all keys are exact match keys. Learner tables are special table with contiguous and exact match keys.

Function Documentation

◆ convert()

const IR::Expression * P4::convert ( const IR::Expression * expression,
const IR::Type * type )

Given an expression and a destination type, convert ListExpressions that occur within expression to StructExpression if the destination type matches.

◆ diagnose()

template<typename... Args>
void P4::diagnose ( DiagnosticAction defaultAction,
const char * diagnosticName,
const char * format,
const char * suffix,
Args &&... args )

Trigger a diagnostic message.

defaultActionThe action (warn, error, etc.) to take if no action was specified for this diagnostic on the command line or via a pragma.
diagnosticNameA human-readable name for the diagnostic. This should generally use only lower-case letters and underscores so the diagnostic name is a valid P4 identifier.
formatA format for the diagnostic message, using the same style as 'P4::warning' or 'P4::error'.
suffixA message that is appended at the end.

◆ diagnosticCount()

unsigned P4::diagnosticCount ( )
the number of diagnostics (either errors or warnings) encountered so far in the current compilation context.

◆ error() [1/3]

template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T>>, class... Args>
void P4::error ( const char * format,
const T * node,
Args &&... args )

Convert errors that have a first argument as a node with source info to errors with kind This allows incremental migration toward minimizing the number of errors and warnings reported when passes are repeated, as typed errors are filtered.

◆ error() [2/3]

template<typename... Args>
void P4::error ( const int kind,
const char * format,
Args &&... args )

Report errors of type kind for messages that do not have a node. These will not be filtered

◆ error() [3/3]

template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T>>, class... Args>
void P4::error ( const int kind,
const char * format,
const T * node,
Args &&... args )

Report errors of type kind. Requires that the node argument have source info. The message format is declared in the error catalog.

◆ errorCount()

unsigned P4::errorCount ( )
the number of errors encountered so far in the current compilation context.

◆ exename()

const char * P4::exename ( const char * argv0 = nullptr)

Attempt to determine the executable name and return a static path to it. Will use argv0 if provided and nothing better can be found

◆ forAllMatching()

template<typename NodeType, typename Func>
void P4::forAllMatching ( const IR::Node * root,
Func && function )

Invoke an inspector @function for every node of type @NodeType in the subtree rooted at @root. The behavior is the same as a postorder Inspector.

◆ format_container()

template<class Cont>
std::ostream & P4::format_container ( std::ostream & out,
const Cont & container,
char lbrace,
char rbrace )

Serializes the container into the stream out, delimining it by bracketing it with lbrace and rbrace. This is mostly a helper for writing operator<< fur custom container classes.

◆ get()

template<typename Map, typename Key>
Map::mapped_type P4::get ( const Map & m,
const Key & key )

Given a map and a key, return the value corresponding to the key in the map, or a given default value if the key doesn't exist in the map.

◆ getDiagnosticCountInPassHook()

DebugHook P4::getDiagnosticCountInPassHook ( BaseCompileContext & ctxt = BaseCompileContext::get())

This creates a debug hook that prints information about the number of diagnostics of different levels (error, warning, info) printed by each of the pass after it ended. This is intended to help in debuggig and testing.

NOTE: You either need to use one DiagnosticCountInfo object (and its getPassManagerHook) for the entire compilation, create one pass and use its copies in all the pass managers in the compilation, or create each of the following hooks only after the previous compilations steps had already run. Otherwise, you can get spurious logs for a first pass of a pass manager running after some diagnostics were emitted.

It logs the messages if the log level for "diagnosticCountInPass" is at least 1. If the log level is at least 4, the logs also include the sequence number of the pass that printed the message in the pass manager.

ctxtOptionally, you can provide a compilation context to take the diagnostic counts from. If not provied BaseCompileContext::get() is used.
A debug hook suitable for using in pass managers.

◆ getref()

template<typename Map, typename Key>
const Map::mapped_type * P4::getref ( const Map & m,
const Key & key )

Given a map and a key, return the pointer to value corresponding to the key in the map, or a nullptr if the key doesn't exist in the map.

◆ info()

template<typename... Args>
void P4::info ( const int kind,
const char * format,
Args &&... args )

Report info messages of type kind, for messages that do not have a node. These will not be filtered

◆ isTerminalState()

bool P4::isTerminalState ( IR::ID id)

Checks for terminal state.

◆ modifyAllMatching()

template<typename NodeType, typename RootType, typename Func>
const RootType * P4::modifyAllMatching ( const RootType * root,
Func && function )

Invoke a modifier @function for every node of type @NodeType in the subtree rooted at @root. The behavior is the same as a postorder Modifier.

the root of the new, modified version of the subtree.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
std::pair< HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order >, HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > > P4::operator- ( ClosedRange< Unit, Order > left,
ClosedRange< Unit, Order > right )
See also
HalfOpenRange subtraction.
a pair of half-open ranges (which may be empty).

◆ operator-() [2/2]

template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
std::pair< HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order >, HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > > P4::operator- ( HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > left,
HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > right )

Implements range subtraction (similar to set subtraction), computing the upper and lower ranges that result from @left - @right. For example, @left - @right = { C.lower, C.upper }:

example (1) (2) (3) (4) @left -----— -— -— -— @right — -— -— -------— C.lower — -— (empty) (empty) C.upper – (empty) -— (empty)

XXX: This could produce a bit vector.

◆ optimizeExpression()

const IR::Expression * P4::optimizeExpression ( const IR::Expression * node)

Applies expression optimizations to the input node. Currently, performs constant folding and strength reduction.

◆ parseConstant()

IR::Constant * P4::parseConstant ( const Util::SourceInfo & srcInfo,
const UnparsedConstant & constant,
long defaultValue )

Parses an UnparsedConstant @constant into an IR::Constant object, with location information taken from @srcInfo. If parsing fails, an IR::Constant containing the value @defaultValue is returned, and an error is reported.

an IR::Constant parsed from @constant. If parsing fails, returns either a default value.

◆ parseConstantChecked()

int P4::parseConstantChecked ( const Util::SourceInfo & srcInfo,
const UnparsedConstant & constant )

Parses a constant that should fit in an int value. Reports an error if it does not.

◆ parseP4File()

template<typename C = P4V1::Converter>
const IR::P4Program * P4::parseP4File ( const ParserOptions & options)

Parse P4 source from a file. The filename and language version are specified by @options. If the language version is not P4-16, then the program is converted to P4-16 before being returned.

a P4-16 IR tree representing the contents of the given file, or null on failure. If failure occurs, an error will also be reported.

◆ parseP4String()

const IR::P4Program * P4::parseP4String ( const char * sourceFile,
unsigned sourceLine,
const std::string & input,
CompilerOptions::FrontendVersion version )

Parse P4 source from the string @input, interpreting it as having language version

. The source is not preprocessed before being parsed; the initial source location is derived from @sourceFile and @sourceLine. If the language version is not P4-16, then the program is converted to P4-16 before being returned.
a P4-16 IR tree representing the contents of the given string, or null on failure. If failure occurs, an error will also be reported.

◆ toClosedRange()

template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
std::optional< ClosedRange< Unit, Order > > P4::toClosedRange ( HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > halfOpenRange)
a closed range denoting the same elements as the provided half-open range, or std::nullopt if the provided range is empty.

◆ toHalfOpenRange()

template<RangeUnit Unit, Endian Order>
HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > P4::toHalfOpenRange ( ClosedRange< Unit, Order > closedRange)
a half-open range denoting the same elements as the provided closed range.

◆ transformAllMatching()

template<typename NodeType, typename Func>
const IR::Node * P4::transformAllMatching ( const IR::Node * root,
Func && function )

Invoke a transform @function for every node of type @NodeType in the subtree rooted at @root. The behavior is the same as a postorder Transform.

the root of the new, transformed version of the subtree.

◆ warning()

template<typename... Args>
void P4::warning ( const int kind,
const char * format,
Args &&... args )

Report warnings of type kind, for messages that do not have a node. These will not be filtered

Variable Documentation

◆ default_learner_table_timeout

const unsigned P4::default_learner_table_timeout[dpdk_learner_max_configurable_timeout_values]
Initial value:
= {
10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 43200, 120, 120}

Default timeout values for learner table to support common protocol states.

◆ p4includePath

const char * P4::p4includePath = CONFIG_PKGDATADIR "/p4include"

Standard include paths for .p4 header files. The values are determined by configure.

◆ reservedWords

const std::set< cstring > P4::reservedWords
Initial value:
= {
"action"_cs, "actions"_cs, "apply"_cs, "bool"_cs, "bit"_cs, "const"_cs,
"control"_cs, "default"_cs, "else"_cs, "enum"_cs, "error"_cs, "exit"_cs,
"extern"_cs, "false"_cs, "header"_cs, "header_union"_cs, "if"_cs, "in"_cs,
"inout"_cs, "int"_cs, "key"_cs, "match_kind"_cs, "out"_cs, "parser"_cs,
"package"_cs, "return"_cs, "select"_cs, "set"_cs, "state"_cs, "struct"_cs,
"switch"_cs, "table"_cs,
"transition"_cs, "true"_cs, "tuple"_cs, "typedef"_cs, "varbit"_cs, "verify"_cs,
"void"_cs, "_"_cs,