The P4 Compiler
No Matches
P4::P4Tools Namespace Reference


namespace  ControlPlaneState
namespace  TraceEvents
 This file defines explicit types of trace events extended from the generic trace class.


class  AbstractExecutionState
 Represents state of execution after having reached a program point. More...
class  AbstractP4cTool
class  AbstractP4cToolOptions
class  AbstractRepCheckedNode
class  ArchSpec
 Specifies a canonical representation of the target pipeline as documented in P4 code. More...
class  CompileContext
 A compilation context for P4Tools that provides a custom compiler configuration. More...
class  CompilerConfiguration
class  CompilerResult
class  CompilerTarget
 Encapsulates the details of invoking the P4 compiler for a target device and architecture. More...
class  ConvertStructExpr
class  ConvertVarbits
class  ExtendedCallGraph
struct  FormatOptions
 Defines common formatting options. More...
class  HSIndexToMember
 The main class for finding non-concrete header stack indices. More...
struct  InheritedCompilerOptionSpec
class  MaskBuilder
class  MidEnd
class  Model
class  NamespaceContext
 Represents a stack of namespaces. More...
class  P4Constants
class  P4ProgramDCGCreator
 The main class for building control flow DCG. More...
class  ReachabilityEngine
class  ReachabilityEngineState
 The main data for reachability engine. More...
class  SmithOptions
class  SymbolicEnv
class  Taint
class  TaintPropagator
class  Target
class  TraceEvent
 An event in a trace of the execution of a P4 program. More...
class  Utils
 General utility functions that are not present in the compiler framework. More...
class  Z3Solver
 A Z3-based implementation of AbstractSolver. Encapsulates a z3::solver and a z3::context. More...
class  Z3SolverAccessor
class  Z3Translator
 Translates P4 expressions into Z3. Any variables encountered are declared to a Z3 instance. More...


using CompilerResultOrError = std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<const CompilerResult>>
using ConstraintsVector = std::vector<const IR::Expression *>
using DCGVertexType = const IR::Node *
using DCGVertexTypeSet = std::unordered_set<DCGVertexType>
using NodesCallGraph = ExtendedCallGraph<DCGVertexType>
using ReachabilityHashType = std::unordered_map<cstring, DCGVertexTypeSet>
using ReachabilityResult = std::pair<bool, const IR::Expression *>
using SymbolicMapType = absl::btree_map<IR::StateVariable, const IR::Expression *>
 Symbolic maps map a state variable to a IR::Expression.
using Z3DeclaredVariablesMap = std::vector<ordered_map<unsigned, const IR::SymbolicVariable *>>


std::vector< const IR::Type_Declaration * > argumentsToTypeDeclarations (const IR::IGeneralNamespace *ns, const IR::Vector< IR::Argument > *inputArgs)
std::vector< uint8_t > convertBigIntToBytes (const big_int &dataInt, int targetWidthBits, bool padLeft)
std::optional< std::string > convertToIpv4String (const std::vector< uint8_t > &byteArray)
std::optional< std::string > convertToIpv6String (const std::vector< uint8_t > &byteArray)
std::optional< std::string > convertToMacString (const std::vector< uint8_t > &byteArray)
void enableInformationLogging ()
 Enable the printing of basic run information.
void enablePerformanceLogging ()
 Enable printing of timing reports.
const IR::IDeclarationfindProgramDecl (const IR::IGeneralNamespace *ns, const IR::Path *path)
 Looks up a declaration from a path. A BUG occurs if no declaration is found.
const IR::IDeclarationfindProgramDecl (const IR::IGeneralNamespace *ns, const IR::PathExpression *pathExpr)
 Looks up a declaration from a path expression. A BUG occurs if no declaration is found.
std::string formatBin (const big_int &value, int width, const FormatOptions &formatOptions=FormatOptions())
std::string formatBinExpr (const IR::Expression *expr, const FormatOptions &formatOptions)
std::string formatBinOrHex (const big_int &value, const FormatOptions &formatOptions=FormatOptions())
std::string formatBinOrHex (const big_int &value, int width, const FormatOptions &formatOptions)
std::string formatBinOrHexExpr (const IR::Expression *expr, const FormatOptions &formatOptions)
std::string formatHex (const big_int &value, int width, const FormatOptions &formatOptions=FormatOptions())
std::string formatHexExpr (const IR::Expression *expr, const FormatOptions &formatOptions)
std::string formatOctal (const big_int &value, const FormatOptions &formatOptions=FormatOptions())
std::string formatOctal (const big_int &value, int width, const FormatOptions &formatOptions)
std::string formatOctalExpr (const IR::Expression *expr, const FormatOptions &formatOptions)
std::string insertHexSeparators (const std::string &dataStr)
 Takes a hex-formatted string as input and inserts slashes as separators.
std::string insertOctalSeparators (const std::string &dataStr)
 Takes an octal-formatted string as input and inserts slashes as separators.
std::string insertSeparators (const std::string &dataStr, const std::string &separator, size_t stride, bool skipFirst)
std::string logHelper (boost::format &f)
 Helper function for @printFeature.
template<class T, class... Args>
std::string logHelper (boost::format &f, T &&t, Args &&...args)
 Helper function for @printFeature.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TraceEvent &event)
template<typename... Arguments>
void printDebug (const std::string &fmt, Arguments &&...args)
template<typename... Arguments>
void printFeature (const std::string &label, int level, const std::string &fmt, Arguments &&...args)
template<typename... Arguments>
void printInfo (const std::string &fmt, Arguments &&...args)
void printPerformanceReport (const std::optional< std::filesystem::path > &basePath)
const IR::Type_Declaration * resolveProgramType (const IR::IGeneralNamespace *ns, const IR::Type_Name *type)
 Resolves a Type_Name in the top-level namespace.
const char * toString (const z3::expr &e)
 Converts a Z3 expression to a string.
const char * toString (z3::model m)
 Converts a Z3 model to a string.

Detailed Description

Variables internal to P4Tools. These variables do not exist in the P4 program itself, but are generated and added to the environment by the P4Tools tooling. These variables are also used for SMT solvers as symbolic variables.

Class Documentation

◆ P4::P4Tools::FormatOptions

struct P4::P4Tools::FormatOptions

Defines common formatting options.

Class Members
bool padOutput = true

The output will be padded on the left with zeroes to visually represent the full requested width.

bool usePrefix = true

The string will contain a prefix denoting the numeral system. Hexadecimal strings are prefixed with "0x", whereas binary strings are prefixed with "0b" and octal strings with "0".

bool useSeparator = false

Insert separators into the produced string. The output is formatted in groups of four digits separated by the underscore character. If not a multiple of four, the first group will have the remainder digits; for example, "0xBAD_BEEF" for hex or "0b10_1010" for binary.

bool useUpperCaseHex = true In case of hex strings, use uppercase instead of lowercase letters.

◆ P4::P4Tools::InheritedCompilerOptionSpec

struct P4::P4Tools::InheritedCompilerOptionSpec

Specifies a command-line option to inherit from the compiler, and any special handling for the option.

Class Members
const char * argName

A descriptive name for the parameter to the option, or nullptr if the option has no parameters.

const char * description A description of the option.
optional< function< bool(const char *)> > handler

An optional handler for the option. If provided, this is executed before the option is forwarded to the compiler. Any argument to the option is provided to the handler. The handler should return true on successful processing, and false otherwise.

const char * option The name of the command-line option. For example, "--target".

Typedef Documentation

◆ CompilerResultOrError

using P4::P4Tools::CompilerResultOrError = std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<const CompilerResult>>

P4Tools compilers may return an error instead of a compiler result. This is a convenience definition for the return value.

◆ ConstraintsVector

using P4::P4Tools::ConstraintsVector = std::vector<const IR::Expression *>

A list of constraints. These constraints may take the form of "x == 8w1","x != y", where "x" and "y" are symbolic variables. They are expressed in P4C IR form and may be consumed by SMT or similar solvers.

◆ Z3DeclaredVariablesMap

using P4::P4Tools::Z3DeclaredVariablesMap = std::vector<ordered_map<unsigned, const IR::SymbolicVariable *>>

A stack of maps, which map Z3-internal expression IDs of declared Z3 variables to their corresponding P4 state variable. The maps are pushed and pop according to the solver push() and pop() operations.

Function Documentation

◆ argumentsToTypeDeclarations()

std::vector< const IR::Type_Declaration * > P4::P4Tools::argumentsToTypeDeclarations ( const IR::IGeneralNamespace * ns,
const IR::Vector< IR::Argument > * inputArgs )

Converts the list of arguments @inputArgs to a list of type declarations. Any names appearing in the arguments are resolved with @ns. This is mainly useful for inspecting package instances.

◆ convertBigIntToBytes()

std::vector< uint8_t > P4::P4Tools::convertBigIntToBytes ( const big_int & dataInt,
int targetWidthBits,
bool padLeft = false )

Converts a big integer input into a vector of bytes with the size targetWidthBits /8. If the integer value is smaller than the request bit size and

padLeftis false, padding is added on the right-hand side of the vector (the "least-significant" side). Otherwise, padding is added on the left-hand side, (the "most-significant side")

Chunk size is 8 bits, i.e., a byte.

◆ convertToIpv4String()

std::optional< std::string > P4::P4Tools::convertToIpv4String ( const std::vector< uint8_t > & byteArray)

Convert a byte array into a IPv4 string of the form "x.x.x.x".

std::nullopt if the conversion fails.

◆ convertToIpv6String()

std::optional< std::string > P4::P4Tools::convertToIpv6String ( const std::vector< uint8_t > & byteArray)

Convert a byte array into a IPv4 string of the form "xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx".

std::nullopt if the conversion fails.

Chunk size is 8 bits, i.e., a byte.

◆ convertToMacString()

std::optional< std::string > P4::P4Tools::convertToMacString ( const std::vector< uint8_t > & byteArray)

Convert a byte array into a MAC string of the form "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx".

std::nullopt if the conversion fails.

◆ formatBin()

std::string P4::P4Tools::formatBin ( const big_int & value,
int width,
const FormatOptions & formatOptions = FormatOptions() )


  • value as a binary string.

◆ formatBinExpr()

std::string P4::P4Tools::formatBinExpr ( const IR::Expression * expr,
const FormatOptions & formatOptions = FormatOptions() )

If the given

  • expr is an unsigned bit-typed constant, it is formatted as a binary string. Otherwise, this delegates to P4C's operator<<.

◆ formatBinOrHex()

std::string P4::P4Tools::formatBinOrHex ( const big_int & value,
const FormatOptions & formatOptions = FormatOptions() )


  • value as either binary or hexadecimal string.

◆ formatBinOrHexExpr()

std::string P4::P4Tools::formatBinOrHexExpr ( const IR::Expression * expr,
const FormatOptions & formatOptions = FormatOptions() )

If the given

  • expr is an unsigned bit-typed constant, it is formatted as a binary or hexadecimal string. Otherwise, this delegates to P4C's operator<<.

◆ formatHex()

std::string P4::P4Tools::formatHex ( const big_int & value,
int width,
const FormatOptions & formatOptions = FormatOptions() )


  • value as a hexadecimal string.

◆ formatHexExpr()

std::string P4::P4Tools::formatHexExpr ( const IR::Expression * expr,
const FormatOptions & formatOptions = FormatOptions() )

If the given

  • expr is an unsigned bit-typed constant, it is formatted as a hexadecimal string. Otherwise, this delegates to P4C's operator<<.

◆ formatOctal()

std::string P4::P4Tools::formatOctal ( const big_int & value,
const FormatOptions & formatOptions = FormatOptions() )


  • value as a octal string.

◆ formatOctalExpr()

std::string P4::P4Tools::formatOctalExpr ( const IR::Expression * expr,
const FormatOptions & formatOptions = FormatOptions() )

If the given

  • expr is an unsigned bit-typed constant, it is formatted as an octal string. Otherwise, this delegates to P4C's operator<<.

◆ insertSeparators()

std::string P4::P4Tools::insertSeparators ( const std::string & dataStr,
const std::string & separator = "\\x",
size_t stride = 2,
bool skipFirst = false )

Insert separators into

skipFirstis true, this will not add a separator to the beginning of the string. This function always pads to the width of

◆ printDebug()

template<typename... Arguments>
void P4::P4Tools::printDebug ( const std::string & fmt,
Arguments &&... args )

Convenience function for printing debug information. Easier to use then LOG(XX) since we only need one specific log-level across all files. Can be invoked with "-T tools_debug:4".

◆ printFeature()

template<typename... Arguments>
void P4::P4Tools::printFeature ( const std::string & label,
int level,
const std::string & fmt,
Arguments &&... args )

A helper function that allows us to configure logging for a particular feature. This code is taken from

◆ printInfo()

template<typename... Arguments>
void P4::P4Tools::printInfo ( const std::string & fmt,
Arguments &&... args )

Helper functions that prints strings associated with basic tool information. For example, the seed, status of test case generation, etc.

◆ printPerformanceReport()

void P4::P4Tools::printPerformanceReport ( const std::optional< std::filesystem::path > & basePath = std::nullopt)

Print a performance report if performance logging is enabled. If a file is provided, it will be written to the file.